The love for Schnauzers has been in our family for a long time and the
result of it is our Kennel de Illyria. The name of the kennel refers to
the Illyrians, a people who inhabited areas of Croatia in later prehistory.
The work of the ancient Greek historian Hecateus from Miletus mentiones
the Illyrians already in the 5th century B.C.
The Schnauzers crawled under our skin, and became our most favourite,
cheerful and beautiful hobby. The dogs enjoy all the freedom as well as
our company. They are very healthy and well balanced, and have achieved
great successes at dog shows in various countries.
We breed primarily black miniatures of a very specific and easly recognisable
type, and the highest quality shiny black hair. Recently we introduced
a pepper & salt bitch into our kennel and started breeding pepper & salt
miniatures as well.
Please, feel free to contact us and ask about anything you might be interested
in. We speak English, French, Italian and German.